Publications & Conferences



Academic Journals

Environmental evaluation of radioactivity levels and associated radiation hazards in groundwater around the WIPP site

Rong He, Steven Liaw, Meng Zhou, Xiao-Dong Zhou, Hongmei Luo

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 242 80-87 (2022)


Niobium-doped titanium dioxide on a functionalized carbon supported palladium catalyst for enhanced ethanol electro-oxidation

Weichuan Xu, Litao Yan, Huiqiang Wang, Steven Liaw, Hongmei Luo

Royal Society of Chemistry Advances 55 34618-34623 (2017)


Microwave-assisted synthesis of hybrid CoxNi1− x (OH) 2 nanosheets: tuning the composition for high performance supercapacitor

Gen Chen, Steven S Liaw, Binsong Li, Yun Xu, Marco Dunwell, Shuguang Deng, Hongyou Fan, Hongmei Luo

Journal of Power Sources 251 338-343 (2014)


Conference Presentations


Exploration of Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction for Fuel Cell Applications

Steven Liaw, Weichuan Xu, Hongmei Luo

Stanford Research Conference (2018)


Synthesis and application of carbon quantum dots for bio-imaging and counting of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus in Shrimp Farm Colonies

Steven Liaw, Hongmei Luo, Jessica Houston, Nancy Flores

New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation Conference (2016)